Friday, May 31, 2024

When a Battle Raven is not a Battle Raven, because you're 5

We are going to ignore how long it has been since I have updated this blog. Thank you for joining me in the delusion as to my ability to document my projects in a timely manner. 

A friend of mine, Æsa feilinn Jossursdottir, was elevated to Pelican in February 2023 at the East Kingdom Rapier Champs hosted by Quintavia. 

So her elevation garments were being handled by her household, Darostur, but someone needed to do the garb for her child. And I, gentle reader, love making garb for children as I don't have to stress over it being destroyed on its first foray out, or outgrown after being worn once. Mom has an Icelandic persona, so we made a very tiny Smokkr or Hangerok (but we're going to use the more popular term in the SCA of apron dress) and panel. 

Viking Hangerok / Smokkr (apron dress) for a child with a Big Bird from Sesame Street apron panel based on the Raven Penny
Finished Apron Dress and Panel

The Apron Dress

We used the left over wool from Mom's underdress and used the Vigdis Overdress pattern, just for someone under 3 feet tall. 

The dress itself was designed to have the apron panel overlap and snap together so that as her chest measurement expands the dress can grow with her for at least a couple seasons. I absolutely should have gotten pictures of how I did that, and I absolutely did not. 

Then thinking about seam treatments, I didn't really want to do embroidery on something that will likely get laundered often. I remembered reading about yard or cord being used to couch next to seams and found some delightful pink rattail (absolutely not period, but we're 5) and used a long zig-zag stitch to couch it down over the seams. I tried to make sure I was using long lengths of cord so there wasn't At the places where I had to start a new section of cord I first did  a few straight stitches down the length of the cord to anchor it down, then did a much tighter zig-zag at the start (basically a satin stitch) to ensure it would not come loose through wear. 

Close-up of couching on the pink cord

Stitching around the tips of the gores wasn't the easiest, but meant
that the tips wouldn't come loose and fray from wear and laundering

The Apron Panel

I wanted to make her an apron panel with a symbol all her own and looked at documentable symbols of the time. We are a big fan of Sesame Street and it came down to either Elmo modified from the Aarhus Runestone or Big Bird modified from the Raven Penny of Olaf Guthfrithson. The raven design also shows up on the Raven Banner Penny.

So I copied the raven design over and started to modify it to look like Big Bird with the 3 little head feathers, the more cartoon-y beak, fluffier tail feathers, and the distinctive banded legs. 

Sketch of the raven design with overlay of the modifications
 to bring some much needed Muppet to this anachronism

Sketched out the design on white linen

The finished design in reverse chain stitch

The finished apron panel with more couched pink cord and
a little scrap of woven trim to cover the machine-stitching on the hem

The apron panel finished had two little loops on the top to be attached to the tiny turtle brooches we had for her. The scrap of trim was too little to go on anything else, and thankfully was able to be used here. I also ironed on top of the design, the heat helps set the thread into the design and helps alleviate the curling that sometimes happens with chain stitch on tight curves. 

The Finished Garment

Turned out super cute and she had a great time twirling in it. I ended up making her several more dresses in the next few months as her Mom became Princess of the East about 3 months after this event....

Stay tuned for posts about those clothes as well. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

Princess Diary from a Very, Very, VERY Wet Estrella War

Dear Princess Diaries,

I may be a princess, I may very much want to be a Disney Princess, but that Disney princess is most certainly not Ariel. 

You see, I wanna be where the people are (warm).
I wanna see, wanna see dry land again. 
Walkin' around on those... What do you call 'em? Oh. Pallets!
Sloshin' 'round in boots you don't get too far
Mud's too deep so we are jumpin', slidin'
Strollin' along down a (What's that word again?) river!

Mud where you walk
Mud where you run
Mud everywhere in this Kingdom of the Sun!
The water view's free
But wish I could be, 
Back on dry land!

Soggy Love and Gilded Kisses,
Princess Fortune

P.S. Yes, His Highness and I (and most of our camp mates) are safe at a hotel.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


Dear Princess Diary,

If wrapping myself up in linen straight out of the dryer is wrong, I don't want to be right.

In other news my trip for "just some felt" at the Auburn Fabric Outlet also yielded linen, tassels, and some very pretty frog closures.

And while it is less productive to be wrapped in a warm fluffy cocoon, it's just so irresistibly warm and fluffy!

Cozy warm love and gilded kisses,
Princess Fortune

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Tyger Queen Diaries - Harper's Retreat

Dear Tyger Queen Diaries,

My champion, His Majesty Ôzurr, protects His Kingdom and the Tyger throne fiercely and through many weapons forms. He is a Tyger with claws, ready to defeat any foe foolish enough to cross his path. 

He fights with rattan and with Rapier, he throws weapons with skill and panache, and recently he got his own bow and arrows. His Majesty excels at all martiall arts (and I'm sure it is the confidence he has in his archery skills that led him to select grass colored arrows) and at Harper's Retreat he and Our Chief of Staff Duchess Thyra carved out some time and went to shoot at the archery range. 

I had become complacent, surrounded by my excellent Guard, the SCA family of my heart in Stonemarche, and especially with Himself to protect me. But our resolute King is never complacent. While on the Archery Range, surrounded by both Our champions of Archery and some of the best archers in the East and I will say, the Known World, he felt uneasy. 

There was a threat that none of the others were concerned about. None of the other archers that day sensed the malice lurking in the nearby woods, none but mighty King Ôzurr that is. He carefully lulled his enemy into a false sense of security through a few shots at the target and then, with one masterful pull on his bow, felled the malevolent presence with a precise shot directly at its heart! 

Thus the seemingly dead branch was pierced and the strength of his royal arrow snapped it right off the tree and the carcass lay upon the field for all to witness. 

This picture shows the joy and relief from Her Grace Thyra that His Majesty vanquished the evil stick and it could not threaten the Populace any more. 

We are so lucky to have such a stalwart and watchful King, whose keen senses and aptitude in weapons forms keeps us safe from all threats.

I, for one, rest easy knowing Ôzurr the Boot Giver, storm born King of the East protects these lands and Our people.

With Love and Gilded Kisses,
Queen Fortune

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tyger Queen Diaries - Dispatches from Pennsic War

Dear Tyger Queen Diaries,

Dispatch #6 from War.

This is my army.

There are none like it.

And this one is mine.

And I love each and every one of them. 💛💛💛.

The reserve tank is low. The emotions are high. And yet... Seeing the faces of my warriors preparing for the Bridge Battle replenished me. With joy and determination in their eyes they took the field.

Thank you, my beautiful killers. Thank you.

Love and Gilded Kisses,
Queen Fortune

Tyger Queen Diaries - Dispatches from Pennsic War

Dear Tyger Queen Diaries,

Dispatch #5 from War. 

Today I took a walk into the Woods with Kenric.

Her Grace Avelina handed me Kenric's Champion Tabard at Archery Champs this morning. 

Intact with the good juju, and now one or two of my tears I took it into the Far Side of the Woods with me. 

But that was not enough. That is not where he would have been. So Jarl Ivan took it where I could not go. 

And my Tygers and Our Allies fought so fiercely. With such love. And returned to me time and time again covered in Dragon's Blood.

I am so proud of my warriors. So very proud. 💛

Stripes Proudly Showing and Claws Out,
Queen Fortune

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Tyger Queen Diaries - Dispatches from Pennsic War

Dear Tyger Queen Diaries,

Dispatch from War #4

Tonight we reminded the Known World that the E in East is for EXTRA.

We attended the State Dinner in MidRealm Royal tonight. His Majesty Edmund of the Mid and Ôzurr had agreed to wear each other's colors. So He and Her Majesty Kateryn wore purple and gold and we wore red. Thankfully Mistress Sofia had just completed a GORGEOUS slashed silk doublet for Ôzurr and I had made a burgundy velvet dress to match with embroidered 2 part sleeves from Leonete and Thyra. (A huge thank you to Bianca, Daniela, and Margreta for helping me get dressed) We even got to wear the portrait pendants Lord Alexandre

gave us at GNEW.

And while the other royalty walked or took Royal golf carts, His Majesty Ôzurr and I rolled up in my beloved gondola.

We were fashionably late and let me tell you - it was an entrance.

His Majesty was not convinced the downhill portion of Our trek was going to work well, but I had faith in my Guard. My Guard who, I would like to mention, started playing O Fortuna as soon as we got started moving. As we passed the playground We even acquired a kazoo chorus accompaniment from the playground.

I'm pretty sure I laughed the entire ride.

Our Royal Cousins were, it's safe to say, surprised.

Thank you to Goerijs and the East Kingdom Stagecrafters Guild for making my gondola, La Serenissima, a reality. We have surely won the Style War Point.

Love and Gilded Kisses (from my gondola),
Queen Fortune

(Photo by Baroness Bianca Angussola)